• 4 years ago
Researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia explored the link between intelligence and prejudiced views towards homophobia and racism. PsyPost reports that this is the first time this link has been established outside the US.
Scientists analyzed data from the 2012 Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey where participants were asked about their attitude towards equal rights and assessed their cognitive abilities.
They were asked specifically to rate if “homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples do” from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
Results showed evidence of an existing correlation between low cognitive ability and prejudiced views against same-sex couples.
The link was even stronger when verbal ability was assessed and education or economic and social variables were taken into consideration.
Researchers have also established that lower intelligence levels seemed to be an important factor to prejudiced views.
They suggested ways to participate in education of young people to improve cognitive ability of the population. This could be a great step regarding homophobia and other matters like racism.
