IDA RED Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Crime boss Ida "Red" Walker (Melissa Leo) turns to her son, Wyatt (Josh Hartnett), to pull off one last heist to get out of prison. But with the FBI closing in, Wyatt must choose between family and freedom in this high-octane thriller.
directed by John Swab
starring Josh Hartnett, Sofia Hublitz, William Forsythe, Deborah Ann Woll, George Carroll, Mark Boone Junior, Beau Knapp, Frank Grillo, Melissa Leo
release date November 5, 2021 (in select theaters and on VOD/Digital)
directed by John Swab
starring Josh Hartnett, Sofia Hublitz, William Forsythe, Deborah Ann Woll, George Carroll, Mark Boone Junior, Beau Knapp, Frank Grillo, Melissa Leo
release date November 5, 2021 (in select theaters and on VOD/Digital)
Short film