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  • 3 years ago
00:00insisted that the United States take the first step to improve relations. She noted that although a range of issues remained unresolved
00:09among the largest economies in the world,
00:11one of the biggest obstacles has been solved with more cooperation between the two sides
00:18Through Skype from Dubai, Mr. Adam Roosevelt, the US national security and foreign policy analyst joins us. Welcome Mr. Adam.
00:27First of all, can you understand the deal to release Huawei's financial manager, so to speak
00:34as an American initiative to improve the relationship with China? Of course, this relationship is already tense on more than one level.
00:44Thank you for having me. At the beginning, we can say that the acts against China were under the previous administration of President Donald Trump, and we saw a hostile strategy against the Chinese
00:59This decision to detain the Hawiye official in Canada was within that framework. But now under Biden's administration
01:09Let us see how we move forward so that the United States and China can try to rebuild these relations.
01:19We must say that with the understanding that there will be procedures from Hawawi
01:25Following up on this case. So even if the principal is released, then
01:33This case is being prosecuted.
01:36Yes, Mr. Adam, despite the presence of a large number of obstacles, as I mentioned, between the United States and China,
01:44But in your opinion, will this incident be solved
01:47a big obstacle or is it not an important issue for Washington and therefore it solved it?
02:01I think that it is one of the concessions, but we are talking here about a commercial company, and the government in China, of course, is interfering in
02:13government and commercial affairs, but for the United States, this is a commercial entity that represents or is a high-ranking official in a commercial company. So this compromise is in
02:28small but do not represent the bargains that are necessary to rebuild the relationship between the two countries.
02:34As I said, this case will be pursued before the American judiciary, and there will be a case against Hawawi to see if she has her height in the sky,
02:48the penetration in technologies, and these were Hawawi's allegations. I have devices in which there can be entrances,
02:59Excuse me.