...لعدة اسباب بغض النظر كما هي ، لكن هذا ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00for a number of reasons, regardless of what they are, but this thing, where there are major hair fluctuations with time, but the fluctuation is occupying with time and
00:09I mean, today we see that it is about to become
00:12forty two in forty five thousand, but the matter does not mean that we go back and see what we were seeing before five thousand or ten thousand in one hour.
00:22Because, for example, we know that Jordan Box is sometimes full, as we call it, it will be empty tomorrow
00:29It wasn't one day that I saw major vibrations at prices. It's very normal that what they say to you, you also said that you
00:37What we saw from China was predictable.
00:40Can you see kind of without him and without any change? that other countries
00:45the same step as China, which is something specific to China, and in this case, could it affect the long-term currency
00:53and his presence
00:56Do we? the statistics available today in the world, rather than the people who
01:01first with time or digital currency campaign, and we look forward to normalization in the five countries that are the most affected in terms of paper currency
01:09like Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico or others.
01:14Salvador corrects the million Indians, the Taif that had currency problems, the paper currency for me,
01:20Therefore, it is natural that the matters of the countries may be affected by oil when opening the stairs for the same problem are repeated in one country or other countries
01:29Regardless of what these countries were for political reasons or well-known economic reasons.
01:33How could you be affected? are affected now when I mentioned to you Salvador. El Salvador has agreed on the use of this currency, even in the governmental dealings
01:43the rest of the countries. There's activity because the currency is weak, too
01:47from some pressure in Turkey on the travelers' currencies. Turkey has a problem with its currency.
01:54How can we approach the picture today in Turkey?
01:58With regard to the currencies that travel, for example, if we take them as an example.
02:03With regard to Turkey, if we look at the KMT, there is or a quantity adjacent to the Turkish market that is more huge, like the rest of the countries that have problems with paper currencies. Of course
02:15So, for example, in Turkey, even the quantity of existing platforms is very large. The quantity of non-state traders is very large for the countries
02:23at the same time, such as creating the way to get out of the situation that he is in, this person or the financial situation that he is in at the same time could have negative effects. I mean, rather
02:34In case he turns to speculation, towards
02:36Lafarge and things,
02:39But who would you prefer,
02:43But the issue today is like all these countries that have problems in their financial currency, so that Lebanon
02:49the country or countries are the smallest, there is a lot of volium process in it in a way that is like
02:55for an escape from inflation or necessity.