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  • 3 years ago
00:00or his losing opponent, Armen. There is no doubt that the Union Party or the Christian Democratic Union Party wants to form a government
00:09forming a coalition government .
00:14The task of forming a government is not the only arduous task that lies on the shoulders of the new Chancellor of Germany, but it is also followed by many challenges
00:23Starting with the development of the United Infrastructure
00:25this is in the country and encouraging investments in the field of technology to maintain the leading position of germany in the european union .
00:33Of course, this is just
00:35The preliminary list of challenges. We will discuss most of these details with our guest from Berlin, Mr. Ol Da Kuang, foreign affairs analyst at the center
00:44Geneva Studies.
00:46Welcome Mr. Al-Dawl to the program. the beginning of many challenges before the new german chancellor .
00:56Will it be
00:57How much more of this is the great responsibility that will be on their shoulders?
01:09In case he's the next head of government, he'll be able to do the job.
01:17But at first sight
01:19he has a mandate to form the next coalition, and this matter is not automatic in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany,
01:29We were in front of
01:31Three times he was the second person able to form the coalition and therefore ruled Germany.
01:40So it's not automatic
01:46because people voted on the party and not necessarily on the person. Therefore, it is very possible for Mr. None of
01:56Democrat, excuse me, Christian Party
02:00to form
02:02an alliance with the Jamaica Green Party or coalition, and it demands this option
02:11So we have two possible people to fill a position
02:18Counselor. To return to your question, there are many things that must be done in Germany, such as the issue of digital transformation.
02:26fax machine
02:27And above all, there's the element of fighting climate change
02:38and the issue of climate change and fighting it. This was the biggest issue in the electoral campaign,
02:46I think that he killed all the other topics in the election campaign. Therefore, all
02:53A party that tried to race other parties, including a party