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  • 3 years ago
00:00The latter knows that the tension created by Lithuania by opening a cooperation representation on its territory has angered the Chinese, which will be a defense
00:09about it by the Europeans.
00:11but washington knows at the same time that this round of dialogue may not be in favor of a long - term battle with the chinese
00:21against the backdrop of increasing instability and uncertainty in international positions.
00:26it is necessary for china and the european union to hold strategic contacts and strengthen coordination and cooperation , and the two sides will exchange views
00:36About shared relationships.
00:38Brussels, which is drowning in its anger, did not read in the two summits of Quaid and XL an American exclusion for it
00:47from the strategic map of alliances, until
00:50A blow to the breakup of the French submarine deal to make matters worse. But Biden, who visited her on his first foreign visit
00:59He knows how to turn the politics back on her,
01:03he communicates with someone he hates before using it through his administration through the opening of the joint trade and technology council .
01:10at a time when Brussels is holding a dialogue with Racine
01:14Developing industrial intelligence and maintaining supply chain security and investments. This is what the Europeans want to discuss with Washington.
01:23It's true they don't want a traditional relationship based on dependence
01:27However, they are counting on that Council, which will be an essential capital for the advancement of the development process and for the expansion of influence.
01:37brussels realizes that the keys to economic and political power in the world are still in washington's hands , despite beijing's attempts to snatch them from it in the americans , for example
01:47on the percentage of investments in Europe
01:50in return for Chinese investments that do not exceed 5%. And we don't just get caught up in it. europeans are beginning to sense the danger of china's dream
01:59which is no longer an emerging market,
02:01It's an economic project
02:04threatens it from the strategic point of view. It is true that the terms of trade have become eight times over the last decade between Brussels and Beijing,
02:12But it did not rise to more than the import of Chinese consumer goods. At a time when Chinese companies rely on industrial machinery
02:21produced by Europeans.
02:23The scenario of the disintegration of the transatlantic relationship is still far from the reality in which American and European interests overlap. Dialogue between Brussels and Beijing
02:32I can't read it
02:34a turning point towards the east, or even a turning point. It may be a control to bring down tensions at the same time and a warning to Washington of neglecting its interests
02:43Other times.
02:46Before discussing today's file. Dear viewers, we remind you of the link episode
02:51brussels and berlin discuss normalization relations and international and regional issues .
02:57So we wonder if