...مباحثات . وهناك تأكيد من قبل الجانب الأم...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Talks. The American side confirms to Egypt the importance of preserving Egypt's water rights.
00:09especially that there was a statement issued by
00:13a presidential statement issued by the Security Council to call on the three parties
00:18Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan to the importance of reaching a binding legal agreement on the operation of
00:23Al-Nahda dam in a short period of time. Here, Cairo confirms that
00:29has been involved in all the previous negotiations and that it is ready to engage in
00:34the coming negotiations, but on the basis that a binding legal agreement will be reached, that there will be a period on which to determine
00:43That's the deal. There is support from the United States of America
00:47not only in this meeting, but perhaps in a lot of phone calls that took place between the US President and his Egyptian counterpart
00:57with regard to this file. The third and important file
01:01is the file of the Palestinian issue and the importance of the settlement between the Palestinians and the Israelis, especially that Cairo believes that the coming stage requires
01:10more negotiations between the Israelis, and if many files from both sides mean the importance of pushing this. activists in cairo visit us national security adviser
01:22Gates London, thank you very much. al - sharq correspondent aslam abu al - majd
01:30the jordanian authorities reopened the jabir border post with syria after about two months of its closure .
01:38A security source revealed to the east
01:40the cancellation of the condition of the prior approval of Jordanians wishing to go to Syria,
01:47pointing out that the procedures for the entry of Syrians have not been amended
01:51to Jordan, which requires that they obtain prior security approval.
01:59Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:06With the continuation of the repercussions of the tripartite defense agreement, Russia announced that it sent queries to the United States
02:14About the X-Defense Pact.
02:17The Russian Interfax news agency said that Russia also intends to send inquiries to Australia and Britain in the same regard.
02:26The American ambassador to Indonesia
02:29He said that the Convention was not aimed at a particular State but, as he put it, promoted the interests of the allies.
02:41This bulletin continues with you. And you will follow in it shortly.
02:49Iraq seeks to resolve the water issue with Iran. Stay with us
02:57Oh, good.