...حين تقول المستشارة الألمانية والرئيس الف...

  • 3 years ago
00:00when the German Chancellor and the French President say that China is an important trade partner for the continent.
00:06between the two parties also the dispute increased after the chaos of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, after which European calls for the formation of a deterrent force or quick intervention that is not affiliated to the United States grew. The dispute also includes the trade file, especially the customs tariffs,
00:22in addition to the crisis of Airbus and Boeing Airlines, where some countries of the European Union, especially France, called for imposing fees on American goods on the background of Washington's support for the American Boeing Company.
00:35In addition to gas, the Nurulsstream II gas pipeline was at the heart of a geopolitical and economic battle before it became the subject of a settlement between Berlin and Washington. Over the years, the issue of a dispute between the United States and Germany was the most prominent promoter of the project.
00:52but also between the Europeans themselves and between Russia and Ukraine
01:08So within all this information is the history of the relationship, if it is a bit distant or modern, what does Europe really want?
01:17Do you want independence
01:19or to be a permanent part of all American plans and alliances and under their protection? And that's an implicit question
01:28can europe even become independent ? We're talking about
01:32military, economic, security and technological capability at this stage
01:39I welcome this subject to my guest for this discussion from Washington through the application of Zuma. Mr. Cherif Osman
01:45Economist and Director, Boeing Cement Company for Economic Consulting.
01:53As for Berlin, this is Dr. Successful Al-Obaidi, academic and economic expert specialized in European affairs.
02:00Sabia, welcome. I start from Washington, Mr. Othman.
02:05Can we explain today this relationship between Europe and Washington
02:12and the United States of America as a new attempt to object by Europe
02:19As we saw in the previous report, there are attempts
02:22several, but as a result, the United States of America is doing what it wants and is taking its alliances and interests
02:29Wherever you want and then catch up with Europe.
02:33Is that what we're seeing now? Or are we facing a serious attempt to get Europe out from under the American umbrella in one form or another
02:45Welcome. I think that what is happening now in the European arena in its confrontation with the United States is only attempts
02:54to obtain the largest benefits of the current period, but the differences