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  • 3 years ago
00:00Over and over. Everything keeps bringing us back to the event.
00:04And as long as this emotional memory is still inoperable,
00:10People continue to feel symptoms such as anxiety and underlying depression
00:18To treat patients with deep emotional trauma. This professor of psychiatry is testing a new method, a combination of psychoanalytic and pharmacological treatments.
00:30The treatment we've prepared is a new form of psychotherapy.
00:37There's something we discovered 15 years ago
00:40And that is, when you think again about an emotional event under the influence of a drug called Ro Pra Nol, one of beta receptors, memory has been weakened on an emotional level
00:54Or not.
00:55Canberra was the first drug to be used for high blood pressure and alkali diseases.
01:05This professor had the idea of turning his use into a treatment for emotional trauma
01:11Because this molecule has the inhibitor properties of what the neurologists call a neurotoxin
01:16Memory enhancement is a necessary stage in the long-term preservation of the event.
01:22Clinical trials have been conducted for people with PTSD.
01:30This drug has been successfully tested on bombing victims
01:33such as the one that took place in Bataclan in Paris and the attack in Nice, and it also proved its effectiveness in cases of very different shocks
01:42Like a violent breakup in a relationship
01:45This means that after a painful separation, Nimiri benefited from this new treatment
01:54To be effective. The protocol depends on the pattern of traumatic events under the influence of the drug.
02:01Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:02How did we find a way to reactivate the patient's memory by asking him to write an account of the event and then read it back to us
02:13When I woke up, I found a letter from my husband, and it was just a summons to appear before a judge for divorce proceedings He didn't talk about it.
02:23Our brains have two types of memory that are a little bit like a computer
02:28You have a short-term memory and a long-term memory. So when you take something from long-term memory and rethink it, you bring it to short-term memory, and then you want it to long-term memory.
02:45Under the influence of this drug. the event supports writing itself in memory but in a diluted way .
02:52It's kind of like watching a movie I've already seen.
02:56Then the effect of surprise is limited.