• 4 years ago
Here, I play an awesome retro game for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive. It's a fun sci-fi game that's...hard, very...VERY hard. Speaking of hard, the hardcore gamers that think modern video games are too easy should try this out, that way they'll appreciate easiness a bit more. :P

Sub-Terrania is kind of like an arcade shooter, and while it has three difficulties, it's gonna be hard no matter what. There IS a minor reward for playing an hard, but it's just some easter egg at the end.

The story is...um, cryptic to say the least. Some unnamed alien faction decided to go after a mining colony, and for whatever reason, they hate humans. I guess they wanted the fuel too? I dunno...

So, you play as this...guy, and take control of an experimental attack fighter. The first six levels have you going on more traditional missions you see in sci-fi, but in regards to the later levels, well...I won't spoil that.

Also, this game has some of the best music in all of existence. It just shows that even back in a technologically limited time, game devs were still able to find unbelievable work-arounds.
