
  • 3 years ago
00:00his father
00:02The trade and cooperation agreement was signed on December 24, 2020 to govern the new relationship between Britain and the European Union
00:10And its application began temporarily in January 2021, immediately after the end of the transitional period for Brooke Gaza
00:16before the vote of the European and British parliament on it. the agreement stipulates the free trade of goods so that the goods are not subject to any tariffs or quotas .
00:25However, as a result of the departure of the United Kingdom from the customs area of the European Union
00:31Customs procedures are required between the two parties and VAT and some other duties are applied when importing.
00:39ends the agreement on the freedom of movement of people between the two parties
00:43compared to the previous situation of the United Kingdom as a member state in the European Union.
00:48The rebels on both sides need a passport and a visa to stay for more than ninety days. • The agreement established rules to facilitate cross-border service delivery in specific areas
00:59Such as digital services, databases, business trips and the secondment of qualified personnel. However, there is no longer general access to their respective services markets.
01:09For example
01:10Professional qualifications are no longer automatically mutually recognized
01:15The United Kingdom's exit from the common European fisheries policy during a five-and-a-half-year transition period
01:23The fishing quotas in the European Union in the waters of the United Kingdom will be gradually reduced by twenty five percent compared to what it was before Britain's exit from the European Union.
01:33After that, new arrangements will be negotiated
01:38Here I go back to continue this discussion, and I ask Dr. Mohammed Qawas from London why Britain is not committed to implementing the land conditions. Gaza
01:48What does London depend on at this stage in light of these different alliances
01:54angered France more than once in the last stage, and now it does not abide by the Birzeit agreement
02:00For what? Count.
02:05In fact, by reviewing Britain's experience in the negotiations that it held with the European Union, Our exit from this union
02:14Britain always raised the ceiling to maximum limits, and we consider that this ceiling will lead to a final rupture
02:22and even without an agreement between London and the rest of the European capitals, until in the last hours, this agreement is being made, even in your report, when you talked
02:31about this agreement that was concluded
02:33between the two parties was concluded in December, I mean, a few days ago, perhaps, hours before the end of the deadline, which was supposed to end at the end of
02:42December, I think for political reasons in France and also in Britain.
02:47This tension has gone up that high. It's got to be noticed
02:53Britain is engaged in local elections next May, while Britain and France are engaged