...هذا الحضور . لكن الغرب لا يحترم ارادة ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00This audience. But the West does not respect the will of the Iranian people. I want to ask one last question in this part before we move to the second part, which is about
00:09I mean, the Iranian constitution, I said that Iran's regime cannot be reformed, and it is not possible in the first place
00:14the situation of Ayassad is optimistic or a factor in the regime in Iran. This constitution always exists.
00:20What are the most prominent paragraphs of the constitution, especially that you are a lawyer and a former judge in the former Iranian regime?
00:26What paragraphs need to be amended? What are the catastrophic events?
00:31It was a law with China
00:33According to Iran's national religious constitution, they must be or be in conformity with Islamic law.
00:43Guardians Council
00:47Responsible for this mission.
00:50When any new law is passed in the House of Representatives,
00:58The Guardian Council is considering this law and the extent to which it conforms to Sharia law.
01:06In accordance with the rules of procedure of the Guardians Council, this task is carried out
01:12six clerics and the guide of the republic are the ones who appoint these six people .
01:20That's why Sharia laws are actually laws
01:26the guide and not the laws of Sharia, but the ideas of one person. It's organized
01:36I am
01:37this basis on the basis of the will of Ali Khamenei's guide. It's that logic
01:43From the point of view, the authorities are the Supreme Leader of the Republic
01:48in Iran is very many. he is in charge of the management of the armed forces
01:55It is the administration of the police force, which selects the head of the judiciary and many other matters.
02:04among these tasks and friendship is the guide to the president of the republic who was chosen by the people .
02:13This privilege gives him wool
02:16The power to sanction the will of the people. For this reason, the elections in Iran are not free.
02:26because the Guardians Council
02:29controlled by six clerics appointed by the Supreme Leader of the Republic, in addition to six men
02:38the law is appointed by the parliament .
02:40They're looking into eligibility. Any candidate for the election? Where is the position of the people in
02:49A heroic system like this
02:51These laws are not subject to reform and therefore all the articles of the law.