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  • 3 years ago
00:00You're welcome again. For the second time, with Ahmed as Prime Minister of Ethiopia, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has been inaugurated.
00:10Unresolved issues and crises still await him
00:13from fighting in trade, i.e. to Al-Nahda Dam to the border tension with Sudan.
00:21Just like she used to. Political benefits do not pass without similar ceremonies.
00:27On the impact of popular songs and dances, a post in Ahmed as Prime Minister
00:32For the second time Nobel Peace Laureate two years ago, he was re-sworn in. Here, Abu Ahmed pledged to serve the interests of the country,
00:42As this task faces challenges
00:45crossing the borders of Ethiopia. A crisis is taking place that expands Al-Nahda Dam and the border tension with Sudan. They're all issues that are still pending
00:55The meeting was held with both Khartoum and Cairo forces.
00:58Eleven months after the outbreak of fighting in Tigray, the situation remains tense. International pressure on Addis Ababa is multiplying.
01:08In front of the humanitarian crisis in the region
01:10Ethiopia's decision satisfies officials from the United Nations. Here is Washington threatening to impose sanctions on the country,
01:17While the crisis was exported to Sudan through convoys of displaced persons.
01:21The file of the displaced was not a unity, which aggravated the tension between Khartoum and Addis Ababa. Recently, Sudan accused the Ethiopian forces
01:30the incursion on the eastern border,
01:33while Ethiopia called for the support of the Sudanese authorities for the fighters of Tjri to sabotage Al-Nahda dam.
01:39With the exchange of accusations, the border crisis between them continues between Khartoum, which is leading a military campaign
01:46to restore lands that it says belong to it
01:50Addis Ababa, which calls for the withdrawal of Sudan from what it considers its territory
01:55The renewal of confidence in Abu Ahmed is expected to maintain the positions of his government on
02:00the previous incidents and even strengthen it, including the current tension with Sudan.
02:06Joining us to discuss this issue from Addis Ababa via Skype Mr. Mohammed Al-Arousi, writer and political researcher
02:14From Khartoum via satellite, Mr. Yasser Abdullah, writer and political researcher
02:32I welcome my guest, and developments come from Ethiopia. We start from there with Mr. Mohammed, a new five-year term for Prime Minister Ahmed.
02:41but it comes in light of the continuation of the conflict in Tigray, and even the Prime Minister talked today about
02:48the high cost of the war and pledged to start a national dialogue. Will this dialogue include the Tigray Liberation Front, Mr. Mohammed? What are the chances of success?