China’s Incursions Into Taiwan’s Air Space Smash Records

  • 3 years ago
TAIPEI, TAIWAN — The U.S. has expressed concern over China's ‘provocative’ actions after Taiwan reported a record 93 Chinese incursions into its air defence zone over the weekend, according to the BBC, citing Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense.

The spike in incursions began Friday daytime, with 18 J-16 twinjet, multirole fighters; four SU-30 twin-engine, supermaneuverable fighters; two H-6 twin-engine bombers and one Y-8 anti-submarine plane entering Taiwan’s southwest air defense zone.

A separate round of flights occurred on Friday night, involving 10 J-16s, two H-6s and one KJ-500 airborne early warning and control plane, which took the total to 38, a record timed to coincide with celebrations of China’s national day.

Taiwan scrambled jets, issued radio warnings and deployed air defense missile systems to monitor the activity, according to its Ministry of National Defense. However, the following day the incursions increased again, to 39 in total.

In the daytime on Saturday the ministry said 20 planes made incursions, including 14 J-16s, four SU-30s and two Y-8 anti-submarine planes.

On Saturday night, a further 19 incursions took place, involving 12 J-16s, six SU-30s and one KJ500 airborne early warning and control plane.

Sunday saw a slight reduction in numbers, with just 19 incursions.


