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  • 3 years ago
00:00visited social networking sites around the world,
00:03It is no longer just a means of communication, as it gained great importance with the passage of years, according to key factors, the most important of which is the continuous increase in the number of social media users. in comparing the number of employees in 2017
00:18around the world, their number reached two and a half billion subscribers, while in 2019 it reached about three billion and five hundred million people,
00:28A billion more people. In just two years,
00:31Social media has moved from being a space for communication with others to be a major engine of many events during the past decade.
00:40But at the same time, watching her,
00:43These platforms contribute to conveying ideas and opinions on a particular issue to a large number of people in different regions of the world.
00:51That point is linked to what we might call the transformation of the world into a small village.
00:56Social media has been a quantum leap in the digital world
01:01through various communication platforms. Users are able to create and exchange digital electronic content of different kinds.
01:09Social networking platforms are also characterized by intensive interaction through very high interactive properties in a short period of time.
01:18It also provides wide possibilities for polarization, mobilization and mobilization, whether in the revolution
01:23Or global social transformations.
01:25Social media has become one of the most important international actors, and their impact is no longer limited to the internal system in a country.
01:33it extends to the field of international relations and now plays a role in international political interactions .
01:41Mr. Maher, the question to you is: We come to the talk of politics now, and politics is sticking its nose in all the details of our daily lives.
01:50Facebook is one of the most important of these
01:53Details. Is Facebook too big? He also raised a monster in his house in a small village
02:01He turned or attacked him later.
02:06There is no doubt that the size of Facebook is remarkably large in recent years, especially that
02:13Users will be used for different purposes
02:17Conversations and interaction, but Facebook itself used this
02:23the recital that is in the face of the most confused public opinion. Maybe
02:30Talks on the outside, at least let us talk to you.
02:34this issue means doubt
02:40a special feature that points to Facebook that it is growing somewhat larger than the size of a palace used for different purposes
02:50As we mentioned, and from there, for the opinion polls
02:56Specific users in specific regions of two countries.