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  • 3 years ago
00:00on the basis of denying any increase or decrease in the nuclear agreement. OK, I go to Cairo, Dr. Medhat Hammad
00:07How do you understand today or help us understand
00:11These situations? we are talking about options in front of Washington. I start with what we started with. Is there really another option other than Washington? It prefers
00:21the diplomatic solution or as Mr. Hussein Dr. Hussein from Tehran says
00:26that there is no option in the first place for the United States. The military is rejected
00:33Iran responded to it strongly and it has no choice but to return
00:37to reach an agreement as it is with all its clauses. Is the talk about a speech part of the negotiations an empty talk? Um, there is
00:46Is there a possibility that Israel might go into hiding alone?
00:54Your Excellency, I welcome the guests, the program, the viewers, and Your Excellency. I mean
01:03In general, I think
01:05It's the plan. The proposal of the plan may be a form of American charlatanism and sorcery with regard to
01:14Iran's nuclear program
01:16as a whole or Iran. The Iranian dilemma for the United States of America may also be a new American plan B
01:26But it's soft, unlike what Trump used to say
01:32to blackmail the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, especially Saudi Arabia. In my personal opinion, the visit
01:39carried out by what is happening now in the United States of America
01:45between the two institutions, Israeli and American security. Perhaps, in my personal opinion, every other goal is abortion and failure
01:54the Saudi-Iranian negotiations that are taking place in Baghdad
01:58which was announced in Baghdad
02:00at the Baghdad summit and before the Baghdad summit, in light of the personal, that Israel, this is before, but we do not understand this ideology
02:09by Israel and works by the United States, Israel and Washington. Yes,
02:15This might be the plan to abort the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement
02:22because if there was a Saudi-Iranian rapprochement and the relations between Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia returned
02:28Saudi Arabia will be a severe blow to all Israel's efforts to ignite the region. The most dangerous
02:37From what she is now on fire
02:39and in order to drain the Arab and non-Arab capabilities in the Middle East region so that Israel will be the strongest, but in fact
02:49If we are talking about considering the plan as the military option,
02:53I think that the Hamas operation with regard to the operation in Jerusalem