...بالتالي الولايات المتحدة تعرف والآن بأن ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Therefore, the United States knows now that these solutions do not succeed. Military solutions
00:06Not good alternatives. The United States has made clear over the past ten years that it does not take any military action to impose a solution in Syria as well.
00:19Yes, I took some military options against Assad's regime when it used chemical weapons, but it did not
00:29You didn't take. and Syria, as Iraq went down in 2003, such as the United States, has taken
00:36a military move or made a military move under biden's administration in Iraq
00:42when there was a threat to the American forces there. I see that the United States is ready
00:48to take any military step only when necessary and when it needs to protect itself, its forces or its interests. But running by Biden
01:00hopes to reach political solutions to all these issues. The United States also clarified
01:07that it will do all it has to prevent Iran
01:11from its possession of the nuclear weapon,
01:15Therefore, there is a military solution or option on the table. But the biden administration will
01:22Give talks between her time
01:25So they can see what can be achieved from those talks before even discussing alternative options.
01:33Military action may be necessary at some point in the future. Not now, and if we get to that point,
01:43Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Philip Crowley, former US Assistant Secretary of State
01:49Inter Genea, thank you, and also thank you to our guest from Cairo, Mr. Islam Al-Mansi, researcher in Iranian affairs from the Center for Middle East Studies, thank you very much.
01:58Our second file is finished. get back
02:00stirring up the files of the extension to the east after this break
02:29news and basic engines that may affect
02:32The day of the
02:46The Saudi banking sector, where the customer deposits recorded an increase
02:51The news of the companies, the improvement of economic activity, and expectations of the improvement of the situation during the coming year, we present to you from the East.