Secret Service Verfassungsschutz Snoops on Conservative Think-Tank 'Institute for State Politics'

  • 3 years ago
Some people seem to be everywhere at once. Who can say whether Dennis Prager hosts a radio show, writes scholarly books about Judaism or runs the web enterprise 'PragerU'? He is all and does it all. Likewise father of seven children Götz Kubitschek runs the literature publishing house 'Antaios', operates a book retail distribution service, works an organic-food farm and is the editor-in-chief of his own magazine 'Sezession.' Secret service 'Verfassungsschutz' will now be allowed to tap his private communication and use secret spies against him and his think-tank 'Institute for State Politics' (German: Insitut für Staatspolitik). They have classified him now as "right-wing extremist." And we all know what this means. Nazi-like. But the authoritarians on the left don't admit what their accusations actually mean and 'right-wing extremist' is received by the wider public as "Nazi" when in Reality it is one of these fuzzy proxy-words that are too vague to allow for any defence. Kubitschek's wife Ellen Kositza even speaks Polish!

Outside of that it is NOT the job of intelligence agencies to create or destroy potential majorities in the electorate. And what is important for people to understand is that human rights violations are acceptable here because Germans, like most of us, fall into a schadenfreude-self-booster fallacy. When somebody is hurt, we hope that he deserved it. Government overreach can be built on the sentiment that everybody has it coming.

[DW, short fair-use quote to make my point]

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