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  • 3 years ago
00:00Policies financed by themselves in a video film show the manufacturer proudly where many of these studies were created
00:07A research center has been set up specifically for Ikoas, called Teop, in Lak de Nochtel, Switzerland.
00:14This modern building also shows that it's much more than just a new product. And it's about the tobacco company staying
00:22Because everyone knows how bad smoking is for health
00:27But what is really behind the media promises here in an investment on the southern side of the Alps in Surat Bayan, one of the most famous laboratories and standards
00:39On behalf of the Federal Bureau of Risk Research, the Alecos device is subject to close scrutiny As soon as it turns out
00:46Alex has real tobacco in it
00:49But only about two-thirds of the amount you want in a traditional cigarette. The technology in Alecos is that there's a heating panel inside
00:59I'm inserting the tobacco-filled pieces into this heating panel.
01:06And then this panel goes into about three hundred and fifty degrees
01:11So the Tibetan heats up with you
01:15As the manufacturer says. This low temperature is the reason for the drop of pollutants by ninety five percent. In a real cigarette.
01:24The temperature at which tobacco burns is more than 1,000 degrees.
01:28Researchers are examining the ajax cigarette through a vaporizer, which is done according to strict criteria, so that the results can be compared later.
01:40The blow is determined very precisely with one blow, for example, containing 55 millimeters and continues to be blown for two seconds and is pulled twice a minute. Methodological specifications are always very precise. and global
01:57for comparison
01:58Marin prison researchers analyzed smoke
02:01Traditional cigarettes
02:03It's known to contain over 4,800 chemical compounds
02:09Sixty-nine of them are settled according to the classification of the World Health Organization.
02:15But how much of this stuff is in the ECOWAS cigarette smoke?
02:20Our measurements show that the levels of some pollutants in the ECOWAS cigarette emissions
02:28Significantly less than regular tobacco cigarettes.
02:32This can be confirmed so far if this work succeeds in inventing a low-polluting cigarette that you can smoke without drinking.
02:41Researchers warn against jumping to conclusions The manufacturer's data can be verified
02:49But what exactly is happening on this hot surface? Even in traditional cigarette smoke, the touch of tobacco is shaped by substances that are not known at all