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  • 3 years ago
00:00that it discussed with Washington the opening of a new page in the relations between them, pointing out that her delegation focused during the meeting on humanitarian aid
00:09and the implementation of the Doha Agreement.
00:11It also called on the US side to respect the sovereignty of Afghanistan's airspace and to lift the ban on the assets of the Central Bank of Afghanistan.
00:20For its part, Washington exerted pressure on the Taliban to improve the arrival of humanitarian aid
00:25and ensure the safe exit of those who wish to do so.
00:33through the application of an atmosphere from Washington, Dr. Marvin Wayne Baum, Afghanistan and Pakistan affairs analyst in the US Department of State
00:45Previously on The Fosters… Welcome aboard, Doctor
00:47Arvin. First of all, how do you comment on what the Taliban movement said in its statement that followed
00:55these negotiations in Doha?
01:02First, we must know that the talk
01:09with the Taliban and with the American representative
01:13comes after a history of negotiations between the two parties over a year. So the two parties know each other, and this is an important issue
01:24because it is an admission from the United States that it cannot remain idle and wait for the Taliban movement to
01:34The right thing to do. in my opinion, the United States and the international community, and that the movement
01:40in preparation for the participation of all parties. So far, the movement has not shown that
01:47they are hasty in doing so, and also with regard to human rights and women's rights.
01:54The change here is that the United States is with Pakistan and other countries
02:01I've determined that
02:05In order to achieve respect for these other files, there must be communication
02:13He exchanged with the Taliban on a regular basis.
02:19Yes, but despite that, the United States will probably not make
02:29especially with regard to lifting the embargo on assets because
02:34the real paper that remains for the United States to put pressure on the Taliban. Yes
02:41Dr. Marvin, after the promises made by the Taliban to Washington that it will maintain
02:48the security and stability of Afghanistan, and it will, I mean, lead a political life in Afghanistan
02:58So to speak