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  • 3 years ago
00:00This takes longer than we expected, but the program is now expanding at a very fast pace,
00:07and all those who deserve that God will not give them this
00:12Part of the money absorbs the price that was incurred due to the measures taken for economic reform. We also
00:21Mona is a program
00:23Then I called him his commodity, and this program works on transporting goods
00:30Straight from product to consumer from non-middlemen on the way,
00:34Thus, it can provide goods at reasonable prices before comparing market prices. This program also needs to be expanded
00:44through the cooperatives
00:46in different locations. The state is also seeking to bear the costs of deportation so that the citizen will not be affected in the remote sites
00:56also seeking to
00:58Cover. And about the costs
01:00private transportation for the students in coordination with the state of Khartoum in particular, and we are trying to do good
01:09We do the same thing with other states, and this also led to the deregulated prices that traffic in the capital. And so we remember that
01:18Besides, I
01:19The liberalization of the price of fuel led to a real decline in the prices of deportation in the capital and led to the provision of transportation in a way
01:28Better than before,
01:30we sought to ease the economic decisions we made , but never claim
01:40That's enough
01:41What you have to do. Allow me to make a short break and then return to complete the rest of the orbit. This is a short break, dear viewers. We will return with you. Please wait for us.
01:50I am
01:53I am
02:09Contact between President Bashar Al-Assad and King Abdullah
02:13the first meeting in ten years between the egyptian and syrian foreign ministers and the efforts
02:23to activate the business council
02:25between the Libyans
02:32And what is the ceiling on the map of international competition
02:46five o'clock saudi time on the east
02:53There are many success stories and initiatives with tens of billions of dollars when it comes to