...هناك فرق بين العرض والطلب . في جميع أنحا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00There's a difference between supply and demand. All over the world there's a narrowing of the difference. There are problems that have to do with
00:09in particular the issue of the flow of Russian gas to Europe and the fears related to this disease. There are also stocks in Europe of gas by seventy two percent and seventy five percent as a full percentage. There is also a fear regarding the ability of OPEC to pump additional quantities of oil, with the global economy emerging from the impact of the pandemic
00:35It's been going on for two years. This is the general trend, which is that there is
00:41Narrows supply and demand. It is this ethos that influences current deliberations. Therefore, we see this rise in oil and gas prices.
00:50This also extends to minerals All commodities feel this pressure and rise.
00:58So you are talking about this difference and this gap between the current supply and demand. They are also talking about the White House, which renewed
01:07Today's claim is for the Book of Letters
01:12yesterday, excuse me, I mean, in the morning news, he renewed the demand once again for the necessity of
01:19the intervention of OPEC is not to increase
01:22production in the coming months. In your opinion, can OPEC, Los, comply with these American demands
01:31or will you ignore it as you ignored it in
01:33The last few months
01:37There are two parts to the question: on the one hand, we must look at the figures of OPEC in September and pump not twenty nine million barrels a day
01:52and higher than what we saw in August. And if we add to that
01:57What did you pump, did Russia
02:00They added thirteen million barrels to the total figure above one hundred fifty thousand
02:09Bree, what are you doing? Despite this increase, the 19 member states and under the agreed quotas
02:16She pumped
02:18five hundred twenty seven thousand barrels less in September. This means that compliance is
02:26one hundred eleven and a half percent. Since there is a greater demand for raw materials because of mobility and because of international travel
02:36And because of the improvement in some areas
02:40in the world more than others, this means that there is a shortage in the market. Yes, the United States government is ahead of the impact of this on inflation
02:49Other States of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are concerned. can opec move ?
02:54That's the question. The second question, or the second part, has to do with the economy of hand