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  • 3 years ago
00:00Everyone must know how much water they need to drink and not pump water into their body. So you can drink a lot of water
00:08He could, but that could lead to problems, too.
00:11we measure the body temperature again . Although the outside temperature is fifty degrees, it did not affect Siraj
00:21Also for me, The Heck has slightly increased the readings.
00:30Now the body temperature is the same
00:34By a small margin. Is that to be expected? If it's going up, it's going to be a sure sign that our entire system is irreplaceable.
00:43We can no longer function properly even under certain life-threatening circumstances.
00:49Now the question is, how much heat will affect our ability to focus? So we'll do the test again.
01:00There's something else
01:02No, too hard. That'll be all.
01:11That'll be all
01:12Oh, great.
01:15That's what you don't know yet. No, I've already noticed a drop in performance compared to the first time.
01:23It was a good experience. You can rate with nice temperatures and a cold drink again, just as I enjoy very much the results of a wonderful test.
01:31Almost no change was observed on the cyclist compared to the results of his first test. The second test went the same way
01:40For Heck and Andrea. It was a little different.
01:44the performance decreased slightly . You can see right away that our performance simply drops when we're exposed to such extreme heat.
01:53But the temperature isn't the only thing. The point is we're about to test. How our bodies deal with the heat
02:00Or doesn't she
02:04I am
02:06I am
02:13Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:25We now watch the East News
02:46amid the European efforts to return Iran to the nuclear negotiations table.
02:52the united states announces its readiness to send its delegation to the vienna talks and warns of the lack of time .