...تاجر التجزئة في اميركا تتأثر سلبا ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00the retailer in america is negatively affected .
00:05Of course, its economic cycle is different from that of the rest of the companies, and as the retailer, it felt that it might not get the goods in time, especially for the holiday season next December. And people are afraid that the gifts they want
00:24Buy maybe you'll be in the ocean instead of in the store or in the store. So this has a wide-ranging effect and saturation of the economy or documentation. There's no big impact, and that's gonna affect everything. My friends were having problems
00:45in getting books, medicines and a wide range of goods,
00:49And they didn't or don't think that this problem could be solved months ago
00:54Thank you, Mr. Shawfni Kabiru, the strategist in the Internet Brooks, you were with us from New York. you're welcome
01:01With you.
01:04The investment strategy, which is based on allocating sixty percent for stocks and forty percent for bonds, may be almost over.
01:12Where the portfolios that depend on this type of investment are expected to witness
01:17known as the strategy of sixty, forty losses amounting to ten percent. This
01:23what the major banks are likely to be like the Bank of America and GoldmanSachs
01:27after the international markets witnessed an unusual shift in the trading movement during last September, as the stock market recorded and witnessed simultaneous declines
01:37For decades, it's been
01:39in the traditional portfolio is the basic investment strategy and has become more dependent between companies and investors
01:47especially during the past two decades, which witnessed weak growth in the markets.
01:52But right now, especially with the rise in fear in the market amid high inflation, there is growing concern
02:00many potential risks involving both the stock market and bonds as a result of the federal plans
02:07To cut the month's stimulus program. Next month's motivation
02:11During the last month, a model of Bloomberg Agency witnessed in a portfolio of 60% of shares and 44% of bonds
02:20Worst monthly drop
02:21since the start of the epidemic last year, after it was mostly on the rise since 2008.
02:28It also reduced the standard of tracking the conservatives, which adopt the strategy of the sixty to forty
02:33by four percent over the past four weeks. According to Goldman Texas data, these data and projections
02:41a biography that puts trillions of dollars of assets managed by the world's leading investment friend
02:46Priority is in the circle of danger. According to Deutsche Bank, these potential risks will force a reverse shift in the movement of stock and bond markets
02:56Fund managers
02:57to re-evaluate their strategy