...السلة رأيك بكل شفافية عن ما حدث مؤخرا . ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The basket is your opinion in all transparency about what happened recently. This government is the best possible, but it's a lot less than what it is
00:09who stood behind its formation. after the call between President Mako and the president as a result of the start of the facilitation in this government, in order for it to suffer
00:20days after the formation of the government. Fuel tanks enter central Beirut
00:25Iranian companies say that the government of Najib Miqati belongs to him and is not affiliated with Lebanon. What's your comment? Mr. President
00:31This process is a review process based on the fact that it wants to help for more. blinding
00:39on what Iran is doing
00:44Saudi Arabia time on the east
01:01And the deal will be made
01:03two american and another russian newspapers were published dealing with the port of port sudan .
01:11the shadow wars between iran and israel return to the forefront .
01:17Certain countries are the ones that threaten the security of international navigation if they do not end the conflict and competition is very useful.
01:27Is it far in resolving the Yemeni crisis? Are you taking back China? We find the Silk Road again.
01:36Will the reconciliation efforts between Algeria and France succeed?
01:40The border is Tuesday 5th Saudi time from the east
01:47You miss something anymore with the platform he's the condition. Rule for video service upon request
01:58Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:01Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:04Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:10We haven't been exposed to dry heat,
02:19But how do we know that the temperature
02:22When the humidity rises, will it be tested in the steam revolution? This is also where we're going to complete our sports program again.
02:32So how's it going, actually? We're fine, aren't we? I'm a little tired. What role does humidity play now?
02:42The moisture in the air, or, if you say, the water in the air, means that the heat is moving better and more noticeably.
02:49Although the water is colder, you'll feel like it's hot in the revolution and it's about 50 degrees.
02:57That's because of the temperature.