...وكانت اسعار الغاز في أوروبا قد ارتفعت بش...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The gas prices in Europe had risen rapidly in the past months and reached
00:04a new record after reaching one thousand nine hundred dollars per one thousand cubic meters.
00:14For more information on this subject, I have with me from Paris, Viaductushom, joining us from Mr. Youssef Hammami, who is the economic expert. Hello and welcome Mr. Youssef. Energy consumption
00:24or European countries for gas from their warehouses more than they pump gas. Does this necessarily reflect Europe's deficit
00:32About filling her warehouses with a safe level of gas?
00:39First of all, welcome to you and your viewers
00:44In fact, I mean, in fact, the promotion of Uncle Gas
00:49I mean, it is very difficult logistically and economically
00:54Therefore, Europe is trading gas directly through pipelines
00:59through the pipeline, whether Russia or Libya and Algeria
01:06or through special tankers. Therefore, there are basically no reserves
01:13of gas in Europe, but it always depends on the continuation of
01:17Constantly. Now with regard to the rise in prices, it is a sudden rise.
01:24Of course, it was raised by about 25% of the basic price
01:32in a short period of time. This is considered a rise in history
01:36in gas prices in Europe in general. Yes
01:41Now, the decline in the volume of gas in the European warehouses, i.e. the decline in the level of reserves,
01:48any options left before the European Union with any parties. The European Union must continue for this
01:56The missing quantity, if you will, of gas
02:01Of course, to answer the question, first, we must know that Russia is the main partner, Europe in
02:10gas, where it imports about
02:12fifty percent of the needs of accusing Russia and a little bit of Algeria and the wave and the rest through the international market,
02:23Therefore, we will talk now about Russia. Russia, there is a basic line in Russia, the supply of gas
02:32through Turkey
02:33There are also plans that pass through Ukraine. Russia has reservations on the use of the airport line from Ukraine
02:43This is what leads to the reduction of imports
02:48But Russia says that Gazprom is doing all what is agreed upon with the European side, and the European side has not asked for any increase in gas until now