...هذا المستوى ، وأنا لست قلقا جدا ، لكن ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00this level, and I am not very worried, but the biggest danger facing the world economy is the shortage in coal, electricity, and gas in Europe and in China
00:10This threatens to shut down factories and stop production. stop the chemical factories and small factories because they cannot
00:20High energy costs and you can't get coal. This is a bigger threat, especially that there are problems in the three supply, and if you can't
00:29Chinese factories from working at maximum capacity, we will be facing additional problems in the supply chain, and we will be
00:35in front of a new wave of inflation in the prices of commodities. As for this big problem, more than the arrival of
00:43oil to one hundred dollars during the winter period . Yes, this is what I meant by the arrival of oil to one hundred dollars, which will be the result of more rises in the rest of the energy prices. You mentioned 2013
00:53in 2014, and in these years, there was no crisis in the supply three as it exists today. The problem is more complicated. The arrival of oil to one hundred dollars means
01:03The gas will be at high levels. Coal will be at high levels. The electricity problem will continue
01:08So we go into this closed circle. That's what I meant. When will the global economy be clearly affected?
01:20In this case, I think that oil
01:28It's the tail that shakes
01:30the dog, as they say, and this is different from the other inflation crises. If you look at oil prices and they have doubled since last year, and this is a big rise,
01:42it went up forty to eighty dollars during the same period . We've seen normal prices go up four or five times
01:51That's more, and that's what I think we should focus on. Yes, oil affects the prices that people pay
02:00And on transportation costs, that's a big deal. But for me, this is not the main motivation, the high prices that we have seen in the past months,
02:11And I thank you, perhaps, the CEO of Qamar Energy. Thank you very much for your participation in the east-west. We will continue with you, and in it after the break
02:21The first home fund for futures trading in the American Stock Exchange will be launched on the day of
02:31The what?
02:39Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:41I am
02:44Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:49What we need now are innovators, who see the world from a different perspective and look at health care from another dimension, where technology is
02:59And help.