...اعتباره استفزازا اخر ردت عليه موسكو بتعز...

  • 3 years ago
00:00considering it another provocation that Moscow responded to by strengthening its military arsenal there. These are not just the differences.
00:09NATO announced in October
00:11Withdrawal of the accreditation of a number of Russian diplomats and reduction of the NATO mission as undeclared intelligence officers.
00:20According to NATO officials,
00:23Russia responded the following day, and its Federal Council confirmed the possibility of reducing the NATO representation to a minimum in Moscow in response to the alliance.
00:32The Kremlin confirmed
00:34the prospects for bilateral dialogue are in danger due to this crisis. In the latest developments in these conflicts, the Russian Foreign Minister confirmed
00:43News of suspension of Moscow's NATO office
00:46starting from November 1st, adding that any contacts with Russia should be made through the Russian ambassador in Belgium.
01:05All over the world. Russia found in several wars, some of which had losses and many of which had gains
01:13whether political or economic or big
01:17Let's get to know the wars that Russia fought after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
01:23The drums of war in Russia have not calmed down for years, wars spread in various parts of the ground,
01:30the first of which was in December of 1994.
01:34there was the story of the chechen war that led to actual rather than official independence for chechnya from russia and the establishment of a problematic republic for years .
01:43Russia stayed away from the war
01:45until the Russian bear fell in the South Ossetia war in 2008, which started in August with a military attack from Georgia. After that, the Russian forces
01:54With a quick counterattack
01:56I got into a fight. Moscow headed to Crimea.
02:00There is a conflict that has been ongoing since February 2014, after Moscow spread its control and held a referendum after it.
02:08Crimea has joined the strength of the Russian Federation
02:12Ukraine, together with the international community, considered it an occupation. A year later, Russia entered Damascus as an active party in the ongoing war there.
02:21and was able to consolidate the rule of the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
02:24and made him surpass his opponents militarily and remained in Syria and participate in the ongoing battles. Years have passed since the war in Syria
02:34to be joined by the events in Libya
02:36Western accusations against Moscow that it is sending a group in Canada to support certain parties inside the Libyan conflict and to confirm the equation
02:44Russia wants to gain political influence in the African and Arab region.
02:49According to the Western accusations, Russia said its speech in Syria and went to Libya and returned to participate in the September war of 2020
02:57Federation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Region