مقابلة خاصة مع وزيرالاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات الدكتورعمرو طلعت

  • 3 years ago
00:02The world in the colours of the East
00:08Every day. eight o'clock Saudi time on Al-Shar'
00:15Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:30by god
00:38This ship goes on for a while.
00:40It's just a prototype. Until now
00:45I built this model in our workshop with the help of a mechanic who works for him. I still have this model so we can build a lot of work on it
00:54the professor is working to be available electronically soon in large volumes , and it is supposed to be the world's first emission-free pushboat
01:05To transport goods across rivers
01:08A task for Accra is to pay the freight between Berlin and Hamburg without any diesel at all.
01:14Today, Professor Bach is visiting the big doctor in the shipyard.
01:20This is, of course, what we have worked on for years to finally get here, as something like this is being built and achieved. And every one of these days is exciting, of course, growing and growing.
01:31It's a great story
01:32Today is a special day. Both of his syllables will be linked together. Tin moving crane has been placed. Tin is not wrong. It could happen today
01:43The first part of the nose of the ship is approximately fourteen folding and must now be lifted and rotated.
01:51The challenge facing everyone in the shipyard. Will the cranes be able to lift the ship
02:05Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:09It's a skill after all.
02:18The dock is not designed for such sizes, each meter of which is used. Agreements and precise orders are important
02:27He has to pull and pull her arm. Don't you see that? He's got to pick up
02:33What am I supposed to do there
02:35A little more.
02:40We did it
02:41After the spin, it's gonna get interesting. Once again, the heavy ship must move to the other hall. Although electronics cannot compete with the size of a giant cargo ship, they still play an important role in shaping climate-friendly shipping.
02:56But how does a propulsion system work without dirty emissions?