• 4 years ago
Another crucial part of Mindfulness is to consider how my current actions create a certain result in the future. We have all heard the term karma many times. Usually when people refer to karma, e.g., they say “Bad karma”, they imply that karma is the reaction or the result of what one did before. But according to the ancient yoga wisdom, Karma actually means action. The action a person takes will determine what type of karmic reaction there will be. According to the law of karma there will be an equal reaction to each action that one takes.
Our current choices and actions are very important. Whether we like it or not, the human form of life is a life of responsibility. For every action that we take there will be a reaction. For example, if we engage in any activity that harms another living being, then we will have to experience in the future the same type of suffering ourselves. Whenever we engage in any type of self-centered activity there will be some type of karmic reaction or fruit that we will have to experience in the future.
The law of karma only applies to living beings who have a human body. Those living beings who are in animal bodies are not under the law of karma.


