• 4 years ago
On October 21, Bollywood actor Ananya Panday was questioned for around two hours by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). NCB officials raided the young actor’s Mumbai home. Ananya Panday’s laptop and mobile phone were seized by the NCB officials as part of its investigation in the drugs case in which Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has been arrested and lodged in jail. Ananya Panday has been summoned again at 11 am on October 22 for questioning. On October 21, Ananya went to the NCB office with her father Chunky Panday. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan, his friend Arbaaz Merchant and several others were arrested by the NCB officials on October 3 after raids were conducted on the ship in disguise. Aryan Khan’s arrest is completely based on WhatsApp chats and no drugs were found with him. Aryan Khan has been lodged at Mumbai’s Arthur Road jail since October 8. The Bombay High Court will hear his bail plea on October 26. On October 21, Shah Rukh Khan met his son Aryan for the first time at the Arthur Road jail. Watch the video to know more.


