...أما تشغيل المباني التي تعيش بها الارض وم...

  • 3 years ago
00:02The operation of the buildings in which the earth lives is responsible for about forty percent of the harmful emissions.
00:13These practices and others cause annual habits of carbon dioxide of thirty six billion metric tons.
00:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:25Earth's temperature is more than a percentage point higher than it was before the Industrial Revolution
00:34And to preserve it. At this point, carbon emissions should drop from thirty six billion to fourteen billion metric tons.
00:44But the way to get to this rate
00:46He's still tall
00:48I mean
00:49that the continuation of the current emissions will raise the temperature of the earth by 2050 to be higher than the levels before the industrial revolution by about two degrees Celsius, and is likely to reach more than four degrees Celsius by the end of the current century. By then, the humans will have paid a heavy price
01:11The Justice Services magazine estimates that there are eighty three million deaths worldwide.
01:18It was not immediately clear if the attack had been carried out
01:19With this we come to the end of this news bulletin. I will meet with you shortly in a new bulletin. You can always follow the bulletins and programs through the service of the East. See you.
01:56It was not immediately clear if the attack had been carried out
02:01I am.
02:23Oh, good.
02:29Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:32Oh, good.
02:34Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:39I am
02:44Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:53Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.