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  • 3 years ago
00:00terrorist organizations. Do you have any information about
00:08Yes, the Israeli administration announced a state of banning six Palestinian organizations, civil society organizations, the most prominent of which are
00:17The Truth Foundation. This institution was founded in the year
00:21seventy nine and it works and enjoys high international credibility.
00:27Many intergovernmental organizations have expressed their support for this organization
00:33She said that her work is highly transparent and that her budgets are known, clear and open
00:42Like Amnesty International. Human Rights Watch
00:46The United Nations Human Rights Office in Jerusalem also defended this organization, Al-Haq organization. There are also organizations
00:55to take care of the prisoners, and the Agricultural Work Organization is concerned with agriculture,
01:01Six civil society organizations. Israel's decision with caution and consideration
01:06yes mohammed is in it . But on what effect? will this classification be arranged for these organizations? What will it entail?
01:19Procedurally. Israel when it announces an institution as a terrorist organization and that its workers will be subjected
01:27Legal accountability. This
01:30to hinder their work, perhaps targeting them personally to arrest or impose house arrest or administrative detention, travel ban, and all these measures as well.
01:40In the past months, Israeli forces raided the city of Ramallah,
01:45The closure of the offices of organizations considered by terrorist organizations may lead to this kind of action. but
01:52Now there is an international campaign, there is an international position.
01:56the american administration expressed its dissatisfaction with this decision .
02:00Amnesty International is also the United Nations Office for Human Rights Affairs in the Palestinian Territories,
02:08All this international human rights coalition is pressuring Israel to back down from its decision.
02:13There is also a rejecting position within the Israeli government. Representatives of the Meretz Party and the Labor Party raised their voices
02:21against the decision of Security Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogants
02:24to close these institutions and said that there was not enough basis for intelligence information, but it was based on a general classification for the ministry
02:34Israeli justice.
02:36Do you have information about the volume of aid received by these organizations, which are also spending on the Palestinian side
02:48These organizations have a declared budget and are subject to scrutiny. The Israeli security is monitoring them, and if there was actually a use
02:57It's illegal to double-cross. I don't take action