...المواطنين المدنيين . دعني أسألك سيد بولا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Civilian citizens. Let me ask you Mr. Pollack about the American reaction in the coming period in case the situation continues as it is. What will the Americans offer
00:09We know that he is a democracy in Sudan?
00:13Yes, good question, and until this moment, the answer is not clear.
00:20I think that as you said, the Hollow Administration insists on values and ethics,
00:30Democratic path
00:32On the one hand, but on the other hand, there is a question. I think that the experts and officials of the Americans are wondering
00:42Is there
00:44possible success of pressure from the outside
00:49to return or to return to the democratic track in Khartoum? Unfortunately, the answer is as I am
00:58I think the simple answer is no, that's hard,
01:03Therefore, it also rules out the possibility that there will be a peaceful or democratic transition for the government in the coming period.
01:15Frankly speaking, I think
01:23the near future in Sudan to some extent similar to the recent developments in Tunisia,
01:32And we've been seeing
01:35Of course, it is not a military coup, but we used to see a decline in the democratic process
01:45In Tunisia
01:46despite a long experience for the last ten years in this Arab country. Unfortunately
01:56We see now
01:58Yes, from the repetition of this scene
02:00in Sudan, in the sense that it retreated from the path, democratic
02:07a kind of despotism or at least
02:11A real solution
02:13And you mean Mr. Yes, it became clear that the vision was clear. Mr. Bullock, I want to take the Sudanese point of view from Mr. Imam Sayed before the international community. He holds you fully responsible
02:24He says that the Sudanese components could not negotiate fully or in a way that leads
02:32to a solution between resolving differences within the Sudanese society. How would you respond to this talk?
02:38Is there any hope to return to democracy based on what was announced by the proof
02:45is on its way to find a next stage that will be democratic and in which there will be a peaceful solution.
02:53Yes, of course, there is no doubt that the only result is