...التوتر بين الولايات المتحدة والصين في قط...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The tension between the United States and China in the communications sector started with the start of the commercial war and focused on the majority of it
00:08on security concerns over the Chinese government's control over companies that may harm
00:13with the American National Security
00:16For you.
00:18with the start of the trade war between china and the united states ,
00:22Washington moved in an escalating direction to take a decision on December 30, 2018
00:29Chinese HuaWei Oil Company is banned from buying smart and mobile phone processors from the American Technology Company, Kowalcom.
00:38On January 1st, 2020, the American army prevented its members from loading and using the Chinese “Tik Tech” application on orders issued by the Pentagon
00:47For security reasons. Political parties have also warned their employees not to use the controversial application.
00:54On December 18, Washington decided to include a fish company, the largest chip manufacturer in China,
01:02on the blacklist, thus limiting China's access to American technology and less than a week before his departure.
01:10Rambo added nine other companies on January 15, 2021
01:15The blacklist includes Zhao Mei, the world's third largest mobile phone manufacturer.
01:23Biden's administration was not immune to the security concern from China,
01:27Less than three months later, the Federal Communications Commission warned that it might close the giant China Telecom
01:34Claiming that she's being exploited
01:37and influence and control by the Chinese government, which constitutes a threat to the US national security, and this is the decision that was implemented by the US administration
01:46on the 26th of this October.
01:51This bulletin has ended without you being able to follow our news bulletins or programs through the previous service or through this link that appears below the screen, God bless you.
02:06Oh, good.
02:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:29Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.