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  • 3 years ago
00:00Stop this healing.
00:03Unless, by the way, the Sudanese people have the means of peaceful protest
00:11to demonstrate in the streets, and to walk the processions and the millions who reject it, and to cross
00:16about his rejection of the coup. That's available and that's his right. We have to stop here before we go to the last paragraph of
00:27Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:33We have now reached the last paragraph of with and against. during which we will ask our guests a number of questions , provided that the answer is only yes or no .
00:42Our first questions will be addressed to Mr. Al-Rasheed Al-Mu'tasim Mohammed
00:47Just say yes or no. The question, the questions are five. Start with the first question
00:53The intervention or intervention of the Sudanese armed forces was necessary
00:57It's irreversible.
01:04I think that it was a natural development, I mean, it is very normal for the scene of the current crisis, yes
01:12Second, the civil forces have unilaterally mismanaged the transitional phase with the authority. We ask whether or not we should ask for it.
01:25I think that this, this is what led to this result. Yes, Mr. Al-Mu'tasim Bush, and this means that the goal of the two ruling parties and loyalty is yes
01:34Or not without explanation.
01:38Yes, yes, the civil government misused power. Third, international pressure is not appropriate and does not reflect
01:47Understanding the scene
01:49Sudanese in front of no.
01:53Yes, too. Fourthly, the team does not have the powers to exclude the civilian component from power.
02:01Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:05Expecting the fifth and last question, the army will hand over power to an elected government
02:13And he'll keep all her promises. What do you say
02:18It's a duty. I am. - Yes
02:23you expect this direction to happen
02:26Oh, good. We move now to another group of questions, which is the fifth to Mr. Jawamar Hamoudeh in London. Do I just say yes or no?
02:36The first question says Nasr
02:39The military component is primarily responsible for most of the current crises.
02:46Yes, and with the proofs
02:49Yes, and therefore about his duties in more people. Yes. Yes.
02:54The second question is: the two countries violated the constitutional document and returned the country.