...الصين والولايات المتحدة ودول اخرى في سبا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00China, the United States and other countries in a new race for resources on the moon. The new lunar mission and the permanent lunar stations are indispensable for this purpose, which is to find a solution for transporting raw materials to the ground, which is still very expensive so far. However, for the Zamalekites,
00:17There's something more valuable than the raw materials of the moon.
00:21What we're essentially interested in is the question, how did our planetary system evolve?
00:27The moon that's frozen in space? What happened to him, which recorded everything over billions of years, power, of course, like a safe
00:38Which we simply have to open to access to these secrets.
00:46Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:49Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:51Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:59I am
01:06It's too dangerous for war to take the whole world by surprise
01:14Fifty million lives were lost
01:17Before this dreaded virus withdraws.
01:23Rare archival footage documenting the origin of the epidemic and printing it
01:31And tell us about the story of the 20th century pandemic, the Spanish flu
01:40five o'clock saudi time
01:43on the east
01:46a swift attack on the traders seven years ago while he arrived in the mountain
01:54ISIS was hit by the sniper.
01:57Gather everyone who has studied how this hope
02:00The reactors took the election of one of the
02:10i moved to abu bakr al-baghdadi's wives
02:12But the women took us to sell, they are Lebanese, and the non-one is much worse than him.
02:20Mass graves in Sinjar
02:23In Baghdad, until now, the details, we go back behind the attack of Sinjar
02:33and to gather what happened to the victims
02:35In a new episode of “One at noon Saudi Arabia time on the East”
02:46We are now witnessing the evening session on the east
02:56Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.