...على خمسة وعشرين في المئة من اجمالي مساحة...

  • 3 years ago
00:00on 25% of the total area of Syria. The population of this area is
00:08about two million five hundred thousand people,
00:11Northeast Syria is known as an oil-rich region. this region includes about eighty percent of the Syrian oil wealth.
00:21This gives the Democratic Forces financial resources
00:24You need it. These forces were established in 2015 following the announcement of the United States of America
00:33its intention to provide weapons to a specific group in order to fight ISIS organization.
00:38Since then, these forces have received advice from American forces on the battlefronts.
00:44the us department of defense estimated the preparation of qasd or the democratic syria forces
00:49in 2017. Its capacity is about forty five thousand fighters, half of them are Arabs. These forces are composed of the Syrian Democratic Forces
00:59from a group of factions. As we continue here
01:02The people's protection units form the women's protection units, which are armed forces belonging to the Kurdish Democratic Union Party
01:11therefore constitutes the political backbone of the democratic forces.
01:16So, in the province of Aleppo, it controls Manbij on Tel Refaat as well. As we continue here, as it is also preparing
01:26in the border area of Ain Al-Arab Kubani
01:29In Kurdish. It also lost several areas in the Turkish military operation of the Euphrates Shield in 2016.
01:38Africa is also considered the most prominent of its losses in the process of washing
01:41Turkish olives in 2018. As we continue, this area is Al-Raqqah
01:50were controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in 2017
01:54became the capital of the self-administration of northern and eastern Syria. So the area has the headquarters
02:01The Executive Council also has the Legislative Council. as we continue, and the Syrian Democratic Council, in addition to other institutions that are considered the main pillar
02:11in the organizational and civil structure
02:13for the Syrian Democratic Forces in 2019. This year was a decisive year for the Syrian Democratic Forces. In Al-Hasakah, it lost in Tal Abyad
02:23in which the head of the eye was lost in favor of the Turkish forces
02:26and also in favor of Syrian opposition armed factions that support them in the Turkish peace process. This is the area of the source of peace,
02:35And by the way, it extends between a white hill in Raqqa and the eye head in
02:39Al Hasakah at a depth of thirty two kilometers. Syria's Democratic Forces are also preparing in Deir Al-Zour, east of the Euphrates, on its face
02:48in particular, as we follow here in the map
02:51He is in the western countryside of Deir Al-Zour, which is linked to the province of Al-Raqqah and the villages of Deir Al-Zour.