...تحسن كفاءة الوقود ثلاثة في المئة . وكان ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Fuel efficiency improved by three percent. The sound of trains was a target
00:06Using a CT scan. Researchers at the University of Manchester were able to study the biomechanics of. For. About the Jumper's cabot
00:15The spider jumps six times its length.
00:19A human being can jump one and a half times the length of his body
00:26The engineers aim to develop a new, very graceful robot based on the spider model.
00:35I am
00:49Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:53Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:54A look at the world of the economy from the determination of the West. The economy moves the world.
01:04We analyze the daily signs
01:07and its impact on the economy. Today, the coin is dissolving the other
01:18We present the new investment opportunities sectors in shaping the future. Investment in the environment
01:25the most rejected types of investment and the impact of five files we discuss in each episode from East to West. From Sunday to Thursday, 3rd Saudi time, on evil
01:52Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:57In Sweden, scientists examined
02:00Air traffic for bat flight.
02:03Bats provide half of their energy by flying close to the earth
02:12These results will push for the development of a new drone technology
02:19At the University of Washington.
02:26Specialists in applied physics study positioning
02:30Using the echo of the bat as well as the ultrasonic frequencies. Bats send clicking sounds like a duet.
02:41This discovery could revolutionize the manufacture of a new kind of self-driving robotics and autos
02:48In England. Researchers care about the flight patterns of bees
02:53They aim to understand how the brains of these tiny insects
02:58By setting its course.