...يعني واحد من بين كل شخص من السكان يحتاج ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00I mean, one of every person in the population needs food aid. There are almost nine million people
00:08in Afghanistan in the level of the fourth crisis,
00:12It's one degree she gets about starvation.
00:16Declaring famine somewhere in the world, whatever it is, throughout history, is
00:23I think it has something to do with a party
00:27Number. Washington, Nokia, thank you Mrs. Marina de, spokeswoman for the World Food Program from Cairo. I wish for your endeavors
00:36All the success. Thank you
00:38Let us see how the results of a vote of honor against you are now, Slash, or we asked this question: What is China seeking from its fleet?
00:48the sea. Seventy percent say to ward off the American danger, in the sense that
00:53a kind of deterrence or defense. Twenty percent control
00:58in the China Sea and a tenth of the control over the island of Taiwan. I thank you for an effective follow-up
01:26Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:46the two mo lins versailles mill is located in the center of the city of versailles rome sudi of the seventh generation that runs the factory
01:55Today, it is producing one minute sixty-five
01:59French baker John uses in French toast.
02:02not all the wheat is suitable . So here we have a variety of protein-rich wheat.
02:11From this, we gradually create a mixture of wheat in order to maintain a steady, accurate quality
02:17Wheat grains are being grinded softer in many grindings. During the process, the starch inside the grain separates from the crust,
02:26and rome sudi is verifying every single massive operation
02:32You can immediately recognize the properties of this product with all my senses. as
02:37He's a little darling and still reeks of wheat and can still see the crusts in him.
02:44That's why we haven't given him a precise name yet.
02:47Because it's not good for making bread. In his internal laboratory, Rome examines the shod of the flour formula.
02:55What's important is that the protein-to-dyssey ratio is right.
02:59Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.