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  • 3 years ago
00:00This. So in America's economy? Well, Mr., you mentioned that there are weaknesses within the Chinese economy.
00:06The data, which you also mentioned about Chinese exports, reached levels that are considered very high compared to
00:15the previous months, and this of course gives a positive picture about the pace of production and therefore the pace of Chinese exports.
00:24Where does it lie
00:25Weaknesses? I mean, if we exclude the problem of the debts that burden the Chinese real estate sector,
00:33Where's the Chinese problem? Is she
00:36the problem of inflation as it is in the United States and in Europe? or is the problem organizational pressures
00:45imposed by
00:46the Chinese authorities, especially in the recent campaigns?
00:52There is an internal problem in China that has to do with internal demand.
01:00There's been a relaxation of motivation
01:04In China, there has been a change of priorities by policymakers, as they focus on shared prosperity
01:12and ease the indebtedness of the real estate sector. They are trying
01:18the weakening of the private sector and its impact on the society, and this has affected the internal demand.
01:25China's consumers are less active. Construction in China is weaker,
01:30there is a decline in investments, and this is linked to the fact that there is an imminent slowdown in the real estate sector due to
01:38Policymakers have resorted to reducing
01:42financial lever, and there is a power in the Chinese export due to the strength of the American consumer, and also
01:52There is an improvement in the labor market in
01:55the developed world, and this means that there are high savings in America and the world, and this means that people want to exploit them.
02:03Commodities and commodities are the influence of China, and therefore the demand for exports keeps China's economy subsidized. But as I said, there is a two-speed economy.
02:12Exports are moving at a high speed due to strong global demand. At home, the absence of stimulus and financing conditions
02:23The hardest is the pressure from the authorities. this weakens the local economy, and this matter affects other parts of the financial markets,
02:32This generally weakens growth in China now and perhaps in the future as this dynamic continues.
02:40Kyle Ruda, market analyst at Igi, thank you very much for being with us and for the analysis you provided
02:50After the break, we will talk about the aviation sector in light of the lifting of the travel restrictions and the changes that will be witnessed by the sector after the loss of