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  • 3 years ago
00:00from a multi-departmental effort to enhance Taiwan's ability to fight any possible Chinese invasion. But he's taking a risk, too
00:08to fuel the tensions between Washington and Beijing,
00:11This is what worries US and Taiwan policy makers about China's push across the Taiwan Strait at some point in this decade.
00:18Foreign Policy pointed out that American trainers have been in the island for decades in order to train Taiwan to buy American military equipment.
00:28But the transformation in the era of former US President Donald Trump, which continued in the era of his successor Joe Biden, witnessed the deployment of more American forces
00:37to help them prepare for scenarios involving the reverberation of Chinese landings.
00:42for defense officials , the deployment figures may not show the full picture , but they predict a larger incoming presence .
00:50Martin Myers, a Pentagon official said that the United States has always supported a peaceful solution to cross-Straits tensions,
00:58But it will continue to help Taiwan maintain a self-sufficient defense.
01:04Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:09a new american study denied the idea of safe smoking electronic cigarettes .
01:16The study indicated that adults who use more electronic cigarettes
01:20they are subject to stroke at a younger age by fifteen percent, compared with adults who smoke
01:30Traditional cigarettes.
01:32The study think it is important for young people to realize that e-cigarettes are not a safe alternative,
01:40And I'm the best way to keep the brain healthy
01:43the prevention of stroke is to avoid all cigarettes and nicotine products
01:51Despite the high risk of stroke as a result of traditional tobacco smoking, it causes e-cigarette smoking
02:00According to a new study, a significantly higher rate in stroke cases by a difference of eleven years in length.
02:08The researchers identified more than seventy nine thousand adults
02:12they have a history of stroke between 2015 and 2018, and they were using
02:20It's either traditional or electronic cigarettes
02:23Or both. Among the participants, 9.7% used electronic cigarettes, and 61% used traditional cigarettes
02:33and thirty nine point three percent.
02:36Both researchers used it and found that although stroke was more prevalent among traditional cigarette smokers,
02:45E-cigarettes were more likely to have a stroke
02:50at a younger age by fifteen percent. Adults who used electronic cigarettes were younger when he suffered a stroke