...الاميركي جو بايدن في الثاني من نوفمبر ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00American Joe Biden on the second of this November about depriving Ethiopia of trade privileges due to the current crisis.
00:08Two days after the sanctions of Biden, the US envoy to the Horn of Africa, Feltman Bridge, appealed to Ethiopia
00:16and discussed with the parties of the crisis
00:19ways to engage in a serious dialogue.
00:22The day after that visit, the US Senate discussed a draft resolution suspending security assistance to the Ethiopian government
00:31It supports community peace-building efforts
00:34Between all the tribal components. On the sixth of this November, Washington called on its non-essential diplomatic staff to leave Ethiopia
00:43in light of the tense situation near the capital Addis Ababa.
00:47On the 8th of the same month, the US State Department announced talks with African partners on the Ethiopian crisis
00:56included the Kenyan government
00:58which may be put forward to mediate to calm the conflict
01:09The Tunisian General Labor Union announced a general strike in the public and private sectors tomorrow Wednesday in a town of real estate in the city of Safa a priest.
01:17It is scheduled to be held on November 5 or 15, the first official meeting
01:23between a government delegation headed by the prime minister's son Abu Dan and a delegation from the General Labor Union to discuss the agreements that are expected
01:32to be activated by the government
01:34as well as agreements in the public sector and the reform of public institutions.
01:41A unit of the Tunisian army deployed in the city of Aqrib in the east of the country to secure the government installations
01:47this came after the withdrawal of the security forces after the protesters set fire to one of the national guard centers .
01:52A municipality of real estate in the city of Sfax is witnessing protests against the decision to reopen waste offices due to its cause
02:00The spread of disease.
02:03The Tunisian General Labor Union imposes itself as a trans-regional and social organization and entered the line of protests against poverty and unemployment.
02:13So what do we know about him? We continue
02:17The heroes of the Tunisian General Labor Federation were born in 1946 by farhat Hashad and Mohammed Al-Fadel bin Ashour
02:26which played a role in the fight against French colonialism.
02:31the headquarters of the Union in the capital Tunis, but it includes more than half a million people distributed among most of the economic sectors and social groups
02:40In all areas,
02:41It also includes twenty four regional federations, nineteen sectoral organizations, and twenty one basic syndicates
02:49All aim to defend the rights of workers.
02:53His strong social influence gave him an important role in political life, where he was known for his struggle in battles