...ابراهام التي وقعت عليها هذه الدول العام ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Abraham, which these countries signed last year, and I think we will see a lot of exercises
00:07between these countries so that they can work with each other for the freedom of navigation. And back to your question,
00:15There is a fundamental concern about the freedom of navigation, and we saw that there were some Iranian operations in the past,
00:25There was a targeting of some commercial ships, and I think that all these four countries
00:30has an interest in being ready to deal with this threat, and to make sure that all these countries
00:37or all countries are able to pass through Bab El-Mandeb and the Strait of Hormuz safely
00:44Keep the trade, too. I think that's the whole point of these exercises, and hopefully
00:53that this exercise will continue in the future.
00:56Is this exercise, Mr. Michael, a prelude to an official military alliance between these countries, in your opinion?
01:11Of course, this constitutes an initial step if there was a push towards an alliance between these countries,
01:20The first step is to have joint action to make sure that there is connectivity.
01:27Working with each other, there's no doubt
01:32a very complicated sea, but it is essential for the economy of all the countries concerned,
01:38So this may pave the way for an alliance, which is a first step, and perhaps
01:46There may be at least an agreement between these countries to work collectively to ensure the freedom of navigation in
01:54Waterways in the area. Well, Mr. Michael, these are only maneuvers, maneuvers tomorrow. What do you think?
02:02Will the Red Sea turn into a battlefield soon, in your opinion?
02:16I hope not.
02:20But Iran has a lot of activities through its arms such as the Houthis,
02:26The Houthis can attack ships as they pass
02:31in front of Yemen, and this happened in the past, and we must worry about the future. We also expect to see negotiations between
02:40the united states and iran start the seventh round at the end of november . And hopefully all of us
02:48that this will bring Iran back into compliance with the requirements of the nuclear agreement. But if these talks fail, we may see
02:57an increase in tensions in the region.