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  • 3 years ago
00:00they do not feel that the russians cannot become a substitute for the french forces in the near future . the financial tendency to Russia. It seems that
00:09came as a reaction to the reduction of the French presence in Mali
00:13and the end of Bar Khan's military mission, especially after the prime minister of Mali accused mehrah of abandoning his country, while the financial accusation was met with an income response
00:22a reaction
00:23a French man who is hated by his administration. He was condemned by the Malian military government. He said that it does not enjoy, of course
00:33democratic legitimacy after two coups in the country
00:37in less than one year, which France tried to abort by putting pressure on the West African countries to impose economic sanctions
00:45and political pressure on the coupists in Mali.
00:49A security vacuum that Mali fears, coinciding with the intention of France to withdraw its soldiers from the country, prompted it to try to fill it
00:59through alternatives to confront the infiltration of armed groups,
01:02So, I entered into talks with the Russian paramilitary group Wagner last September to contract with one thousand of them to train the army
01:11and providing security for senior officials.
01:13The French Minister of Armies, Bamako, warned of the step, which she considered a source of great concern for Paris
01:20and contradicts with the continuation of the French military involvement in the coast.
01:25A few days later, the Russian government indirectly acknowledged the presence of Werner's mercenaries in Mali and said that Bamako
01:33it is the one that asked the Russian private companies for support.
01:37this deployment bothered the West. France warned Bamako that it will suffer from international isolation and will lose the support of the international community at this stage
01:48Where you're facing my money
01:49the danger of the incursion of armed groups. In a clear rejection of the French calls, the Foreign Ministry defended its right to contract with whoever it wants
01:58To protect her security.
02:00But at the same time, it denied that it had signed any agreement with Russian private companies
02:12Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:15In the axes of our discussion in this first circle, does Russia enter on the conflict line in Mali strongly? What is its expected role in the African Sahel region?
02:24Will France and Europe change their strategy with the countries of the African coast?
02:30Let's start the discussion. I welcome my guests from the financial capital, Bamako, through the application of Mahsoozoum. We have with us Mr. Mohammed Salah, writer and political researcher
02:39Via satellite from Paris
02:42Joining us is Mr. Dominique Tran, former head of the French military mission to the United Nations
02:51And from Moscow, Mr. Ivan
02:53Kafelnikov, or they were in Love, head of the data center.