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  • 3 years ago
00:00When you don't practice social space.
00:03I'll dance so I don't catch the virus
00:08Long ago, measles struck our village and many people died.
00:15If we catch one person with the virus here, we'll catch the infection. All of us
00:22There is no escape.
00:31Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:37Many people ask why you come down and sit in the studio with us and talk, why don't you travel?
00:44First of all, I'm banned from leaving town because I got out of jail on bail
00:51And a shepherdess deserves to be able to reach
00:56To the cleric she has at any time.
01:00I am invited in all hours of night and day to serve a house of worship,
01:06That is my firm belief
01:12Do you know that the religion is an oil project or an oil project
01:17Today and
01:25When I heard the governor had the houses of worship shut down
01:29I thought it was preposterous because the house of worship is my whole world.
01:36Places of worship do not cease to offer their services People will keep going to her. But as soon as we saw the places of worship stop
01:47on the committees.
02:00It wasn't
02:06Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:12We are.
02:14or western and twenty but we were
02:17Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:31But when you say no
02:35In the house of God's worship
02:38Which is the house of the Lord.
02:43We do not break the law, Lucifer entered and pushed us, and we feared, but thank God there will be a house of worship
02:52Opening its doors at one of the big celebrations, but
02:56If you want a supplement, is it better that I die?