...ع وتقوية بوابات المد والجزر والحواجز على...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the reinforcement of the tidal gates and the barriers on the reservoirs and the construction of the new airport terminal at an altitude of more than five meters above sea level .
00:09Even the construction of reclaimed land
00:12Dutch invention of land reclamation, which is likely to be lost due to sea level rise. And all of that gives examples
00:21about the ingenuity of humans in adapting to the changing climate,
00:25but it does not solve the root problem , which is sean's constant energy emotion . How about addressing the underlying cause of climate change
00:34By reducing carbon emissions?
00:37Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:39Can you imagine that in our day and age
00:42Singapore still runs diesel buses? I need a muzzle so I can stand here and we do not reach 100% of the buses powered by electricity until the year 2040. Xinzhen City has accomplished this in five years. Singapore will.
01:00Stop using fossil fuels and move on to renewable energy. That's the motto of the angry, clean energy man
01:10Make yourself comfortable.
01:11Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:12If you have an electric bus, electric taxis, bike lanes, everyone's better.
01:22There will be no losers to two or three oil and gas companies.
01:27Asad manages the headquarters of the Singapore Renewable Energy Company and funds, builds and operates projects in Asia. All of it
01:37Previously, he worked in the banking sector
01:39It invests in the energy industry. He visited project sites in the region as a result of his work, one of these trips to Taiwan. It was a wake-up call. For him
01:50This city was and is still the capital of coal in China. And just by looking at the citizens there
01:58It's obvious
02:00What fossil fuels do to the skin of the population, and to the health of the population in general, is there
02:10When his company tried to build solar power stations in Bangladesh, they did not find a suitable piece of land because of the floods.
02:19The situation is similar in the Philippines.
02:22When you plan to build a solar power plant, you have to consider hurricanes.
02:28It gets more intense every year, and you see it with your own eyes. So you can't just sit around and pretend
02:35Climate change is not an important issue.
02:40Make the experiments this kind of enthusiasm for the happiest to get rid of the world's addiction to fossil fuels,
02:46He chose to have his weapon, the podcast, entitled
02:50Angry clean energy guy.
02:55it has become clear now in the interest of whoever this is not in its interest.