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  • 3 years ago
00:00self, especially those that pose a threat to national security, according to the legislation.
00:07As for the start of the trade war between China and the United States,
00:11Washington moved in an escalating direction to take a decision on December 30, 2018 to prevent the Chinese company Huawei
00:21from buying smart and mobile phone processors
00:24from the American Technology Company, Kowalcom. On January 1st, 2020, the American army prevented its elements from loading and using a tactical application
00:32Under orders from the Pentagon,
00:34this is for security reasons . despite the signing of a trade agreement between the two countries , washington listed smic , china's largest chip manufacturer ,
00:44On the blacklist,
00:46to limit Beijing's access to American technology. Less than a week before his departure, Ram added nine other companies to the blacklist, including Shami
00:56the third largest mobile phone manufacturing company in the world . Joe Biden Administration
01:00It was not immune to the security concern from China, and the license of the giant China Telecom was revoked on the grounds of national security concerns.
01:08The decision that saw the light in October
01:10Accompanied by another legislation in November signed by Biden, it banned the examination or the submission of new licenses to companies that pose a security threat similar to Huawei
01:20Czech Minister
01:22Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:27I don't.
01:29After days of intensive diplomatic efforts, Ethiopia announced its readiness to enter into negotiations with the Tigray Liberation Front
01:38Within three conditions.
01:40The Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the militants should cease fire
01:46The withdrawal took place from two areas close to the Tigray region
01:50in addition to recognizing the legitimacy of the central government headed by abi ahmad . Spokesman for Addis Ababa
01:59confirm that these conditions
02:00does not mean an admission to enter into negotiations, according to him.
02:07Despite the fact that the tour does not include them, and the US Secretary of State will visit Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal next week
02:15to discuss the crisis of Sudan and Ethiopia
02:18according to what was reported by the American magazine Foreign Policy
02:24on the visit of the us secretary of state anthony blinken to africa , the magazine of foreign policy wrote
02:30which was previously scheduled, but the American withdrawal from Afghanistan
02:35It didn't happen. The visit also comes in the wake of COP 26
02:40which proposed in the African countries talks on a financing deal to the value of 700 billion dollars
02:47To help the continent adapt to climate change
02:50And accelerate decarbonization efforts. represents a trip between Ken on a visit by an official in Biden administration to the continent so far
02:57Where Kenya and Nigeria stop.