...علم من الطبيعة أفضل طريقة للتعايش والتكا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00A science of nature is the best way to coexist and bond with each other.
00:06This fresh-water wetlands appeared in the Singapore Botanical Gardens
00:11by borrowing one of the nature book's plans for the player's rules.
00:16During the design and construction of the learning forest, the team studied the ancient maps He discovered that there was a stream in this area and they decided to bring him back to life. Remember, there was a flood on the Ort Chad road. And what's happening now is that these wetlands
00:35They could form some kind of reservoir to help us contain some water. She added another ecosystem to the botanical gardens,
00:45And I've created some wonderful habitats
00:48Wildlife and freshwater plant species. In short, it's really amazing.
01:00Plants represent nature's defense line against excess carbon emitted by humans,
01:06And we can help nature do that.
01:10On the shores of Bula Oban, an island in northeastern Singapore, a team of scientists are trying to do so
01:20Here, the coastal Ike trees grow, where land meets water, and they're remarkably strong
01:28She lives in saltier waters
01:31Up to a hundred times more than most other plants. And it endures storms that are carried across oceans
01:38Providing habitats for a variety of marine and terrestrial species, we think of them as adaptive solutions. It is based on nature to adapt
01:48with climate change, because the coastal Ike forests confirm the sediments that come with the tide and help protect the coasts from the
01:57Besides being a front-line defender
02:00Advanced against sea level rise. The coastal ike forests are considered exceptional carbon scrubbers
02:08They store three to five times the amount of carbon they store in the wild forest.
02:14Ike's coastal rent is good at it
02:18Because her soil is saturated. And that means that when you drop the leaves or the maximum n onto the soil instead of being decomposed by the bacteria, that carbon is released again. In the atmosphere, this carbon remains trapped in the soil for thousands of years and slowly builds up over time.
02:37So there's going to be serious damage if the coastal ike trees are removed or destroyed
02:43Data collection has also become a better way to recover and maintain it.
02:48It's very important
02:50Sounds great
02:52Nagz was taken at two meters or so. We'll start at the top