...وتنقل حاليا تسعين في المئة من البضائع في...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Ninety percent of the goods are now transported worldwide.
00:04Thanks to more than one million six hundred thousand sailors on board the surrounding ships, their work is dangerous, and the psychological pressure is high
00:16Professional physician Marcus Augsburg conducted a study on the health of seafarers.
00:24The causes of stress are very diverse.
00:27Sailors often suffer separation from their families for long periods of time in addition , sailors suffer from sleep disorders and have long working hours .
00:38This is the case for this sailor. He's in his mid-30s and has been at work at sea for 12 years. He wants to remain unknown because he fears for his job. There's no day off in the true sense of the word, especially when you're a probation officer. Sailors on board are always joking that every day is Monday. It's all done on time
01:01so that the best effort is made to impose good profits, but of course at the expense of the sailors who lose their rest period.
01:11in addition to the pressure that the body is exposed to 24 hours a day.
01:17The constant noise, the vibration, the movement of ships and the climatic conditions,
01:22especially in the engine room, which has a temperature of more than thirty degrees.
01:28All of these are physical pressures that affect the seas, for example. The normal day on land does not exceed eight hours.
01:36But here's more than 24 hours. And that's over a few months
01:41With the help of objective measurement methods. We were able to see the average sailor's sleep
01:47it is five point two hours in a period of twenty four hours.
01:52Severe sleep disorders result in physical and mental disabilities
02:00twenty percent of the results were documented as unserviceable cases, i.e. cases were proven
02:09indicates a lack of sufficient attention to the performance of the mission and its implementation.
02:14This is a very, very disturbing result.
02:18in addition , there are months of absence from home , which is also a heavy burden , says the sailor .
02:26Unfortunately, we're really alone.
02:30There are many different nationalities on board, but I'm the only German, and unfortunately
02:37In maritime navigation. You always have people in a higher position than a captain or an officer. first
02:43Unable at all to act as leaders. This makes living aboard unbearable. and tall
02:51In a recent American study, it was found that 25% of the sailors included in the poll
02:58They complained about the symptoms of depression.